Monday, April 25, 2011

day one

At 24 weeks pregnant with my fourth child, I've been put on bed rest.  Yesterday was Easter and the first day on such orders.  I enjoyed a quiet day at home while Kenn and the kids spent the holiday at the grandparents'.  Kenn did make a trip back to deliver to me a portion of the turkey dinner they'd all shared.

As I sat alone eating that meal, sadness began to creep in - mostly in the shape of self-pity.  Barely noticeable at first, I caught it and then looked it in its face. What are you pouting over? This is a loss imagined, not a fit place for grief.  I was holding man's traditions, a holiday, against the meaning of life preserved. And the life beginning inside of me.  This baby missed, now that would be a loss!

Gratitude returned just as fast as those woes had appeared and the food was consumed, reminding me that Resurrection is not a one-day hoopla and Rest is a longed-for gift.

(Written for On, In and Around Mondays.)


Diana Trautwein said...

Lovely bit of reflection - and so true! But acknowledging that it's hard to be on the outside of family celebrations is okay, too. Just knowing it's done for life-saving rather than life-taking reasons helps, as you've so eloquently noted. But it's still hard. And recognizing that it's hard doesn't always mean self-pity - just a realistic look at what is, at least what is right now. Many blessings as you wait out these last 16 or so weeks!!

Cheri L Atkinson said...

thanks for coming and commenting, diana. your marking our "now" moments as true, that i especially appreciate.