Baby Boy was due last week. and there have been plenty of signs that he's on his way. but when? we ask. everyone asks. though the number of weeks to wait has been the same as any other pregnancy, having spent one third of this one on bed rest has made the waiting seem much longer. after reaching full term, i felt i had reached the goal. time for the prize, right?
instead, Baby is still cozy where he is. and i get acting like i'm playing the game of mercy. you know it, it's that kids game. grabbing your opponent's hand, you interlock fingers and push back as he is pushing on yours to try to inflict discomfort, even pain, on one another. you both push until one of you gives up, crying, "mercy!"
i'm not playing a game with God, who does ultimately decide when this baby will arrive. he isn't keeping me hanging on to see how much i can handle, trying to torture me and win. and pleading with him for my way (or whining and pouting to others or even trying all the natural inducers i can) will not push him to answer, "okay, okay, i give in! you'll deliver today."
instead, here's the hand of mercy that has held me. Mercy has...
preserved this pregnancy
sustained my health and our baby's
allowed a season of beautiful rest
forgiven my ugly moments and days
provided strength when we were weak
brought help from those around us
produced fruit from our faithfulness
bestowed an excellent family summer
given kenn & the kids lots of quality time
grown kenn as a dad and husband
grown me as a mom and wife
poured rain on the earth and relief from heat
encouraged through the cheers of facebook friends
supplied our need with surprise donations
granted me another day
i've been answered with this kind of mercy over and again. so i am striving to believe - and striving does involve struggle - that Mercy will carry me through the next hours (or days!) of waiting for our Boy...